Monday 20 September 2010

Oscar winning short animation; Ryan


I just put this film up because i really liked it its diffrent to any other animation ive seen, the wahy the characters are is intrguing,  It diffrent to normal animation because it deals with very dark and deep issues. O think the style of the film being in a interview is good because its diffrent, it suits the style of the animation well.

It was good to for the film to be in animation because he was cartonist and the animation is almost like whats in his mind

The Black Hole

This is a sci-fi short film, in which the character finds that a piece of paper he photocopies has a black whole init which allows him to put his hand though objects

  • The font of the title is in a comic book style which gives us the feeling something supernatural is going to happen
  • The way the film start is very good because all we see is a office worker looking bored and tired of his work. The low key lighting also adds to the feeling of it be a boring place.
  • I think a great shoot is when there is a low angle shot looking through the black hole, its good because it simple but shows us (may sound stupid) that the hole paper isn’t just a misprint
  • along with the alien sound which plays when its looking through the hole adds the suspense
  • the concept is very good and gets the audience intrigued, like when he puts his hand through the vending machine and takes sweets , it has us think what would we use the paper
  • the ending is very good because we don’t really expect it because we are so surprised by the fact he actually able to put his hand though and take as much money as he wants but we see him get more and more greedy. so that when he goes in and gets trapped we end up having no sympathy for him
  • I think the style of the film was good because it was very basic and simple concept; they used a lot of editing techniques.
  • The mise-en-scene also makes it believable because its such an ordinary setting which makes it more shocking when some thing out the ordinary 

sign language

The films is about a man called Ben who is a "board man", he is doing his last day of work before his promotion

Good things about the film:

  •  The film is done in a documentary style which is different and very effective because it seems like its trying to be seriousness which is commercial because no one would really take that job seriously 
  • the non-digetic music also add to the light heartedness of the film because it really calming and simple 
  • The way he describes all his friends, at the start we think that he has just made up these characters of those people in his head which in the end we see he doesn’t
  • The character also loveable because we see how excited he is about the promotion and the what he loves his job, also what he is wearing makes him seem a bit quirky as well
  • the is a very good focus pull when he is look at the girl , is very good and a simple technique I could use for my short film
  • The end of the is excellent because its not overly dramatic but its still kind of touching to see that people do actually care about him rather than just thinking he is a bit crazy
  • its is light hearted and quirky, you would never see anything like this in a normal movie because we would start to get bored but it works as a short film 
  • When establishing the scene it is set in and when he is putting up his sign I think really good they way the cut it to the bit of the song, this is good because it allows them to get a lot of shots into the start.
  • by doing it in the style of documentary also makes us feel a personal connection to him because its like he is talking to us 


The Bouncer which stars Ray Winstone, the film is a about a bouncer talking about his work and telling us about the time his friends was killed and he killed the person that did it

I thought the films lots of good point some being:

  • The film discussed a topic that not a lot of people would really care about because people don't really like bouncers, they fear them but don't have respect. so this main the film different to most mainstream films 
  • The character ray winstones plays talks about the job of bouncer in way we don't expect he talks about people not noticing they are fathers, husbands and sons
  • The characters dialogue is also very believable because he does it in a cottony accent which makes it more believable 
  • through the narrative the director is able to get the point across and makes us feel that something is going to happen soon by the way he talks about the dangers of the job 
  • When john is telling the story to the other bouncers it makes us start to like him and we start to see a brotherhood among them. the director makes us like the character in such a short time that when he gets killed its like we have an emotional attachment to him 
  • The camera techniques are very simple it and they aren’t much any real effects, but there are a lot of cuts and shots that are stopped 
  • there isn't really any non-digetic music in the film I think its done that way because it makes the film more serious 
  • The digetic noises which are kind of loud, makes the setting realistic and also adds to sense that the bouncers are controlling chaos 
  • The fast cuts and quick and short style of talking builds the tension up a lot and when he slows downs and start to talk longer (when he in strangling the man) there is no cuts which kind of relieves the tension despite what we are seeing 
  • when he is training in the gym we think he is just trying to get stronger for the job but then in the end we realized he is actually prison for killing a man. I think that by the director doing this it ends a sharp twist in the story and some thing unexpected