Tuesday 21 September 2010

Mainstream cinema and short films

Quotes on Short film

"Spare economic narratives, interesting storytelling, well structured work which draw in the audience quickly" -Catherine Des Forges

"Short films are long films that end earlier. A good idea, succintly told, less is more" -Gareth Evans

Irish short film: Teeth

Teeth is a comical films about two old men who are on a fishing trap and both end up losing the dentures Directed by John Kennedy & RuairĂ­ O'Brien

  •  I thought the opening establishing was amazing because its captured the feeling of peacefulness and them both being out there on own 
  •  By making it all in black and white is good because it gives the film a vintage feel along with both protagonist being old. The title also makes the film feel vintage because the font looks old fashioned 
  • (maybe wrong)The white balance/saturation in the film is amazing I think because despite it being black and white the different shades stand out and plus it gives it a very clean and crisp look  
  • The non-digetic music adds the  atmosphere of the film, which is a peaceful and light-hearted one 
  • The shots where you could just see your silhouette of both of them back to back in the boat with the fishing rod is beautifully visually and well composed 
  • I think the story line is very funny and light hearted, plus unlike mainstream cinema you would rarely get to protagonist so old
  • I think by just having a laughing but by having no talking makes the film more humorous. But by having no talking means facial expressions have to be exaggerated and they are that is what adds to the humour
  • The ages of both protagonist and the story line gives the film a bit of an “aw” factor
  • The way the film ends is very funny when the man throws the teeth back in water, which makes the light hearted short very charming and a favourite of mine 
  • The film seems very do able because it doesn't seem like it was a high production value but seems simple and all realise on good camera work, plus the ablity to get the right settings on the camera to give it that clean-crisp look